Are you only communicating at 7%? Probably.
Quick note: The story I'm about to get into about the 7-38-55 secret has more of a logistical/transactional focus.
So before I get to it, I wanna prompt you to also think about this in context of trying to bring in more business.
Because this lesson definitely applies there too.
And on March 20th I'm hosting a NO-COST live event in STL called "Build a Moat Around Your Business," focused on shoring up the most important part of your biz in these uncertain times.
You've heard the saying, "The money's in your list," right? So among other things at that event, I'll be sharing how to breathe life into your connections.
And today's lesson is just a little preview of what kinds of things you may not be thinking of when communicating. You can fix that if you join us!
Now to get down to it...
(ā¬ļø Btw, watch instead of reading, or read on below. ā¬ļø)
This happened a week or so ago when we were having some bad winter weather (again)...
I got this text from a client: "Hey Dawn, are you okay driving up for meetings today?"
To tell the truth, I wasn't really sure. The roads were probably a bit dicey.
But I wanted to say yes. (It's a client, right? You want to say yes to a client.)
So I texted back and asked what they were hearing about the conditions. And they replied that the side roads seemed to be a bit slick.
So here's what happened: I picked up the phone and called.
I didn't get them, but left an audio message sharing that I wasn't really sure, but didn't want to bring people out if we thought the roads were bad. That we could pivot to next week.
What did I get back?
"Hey, that's a great idea. Thank you so much. I'll let people know we've rescheduled for next week. That way people can stay safe and warm."
So here's where 7-38-55 comes in...
Communication is only 7% about the words that we use.
So a text message? 7% communication. (Can you see why we sometimes go down wacko rabbit holes sending text messages to each other?)
38% of communication? It's about tone of voice.
š£ļø I hope you have a nice day.
š£ļø I hope you have a nice day.
š£ļø I hope you have a nice day.
If you've been reading along with me here, you can't tell the difference in those.
But if you watch the video at that timestamp:
There's a bit of difference there, right?
When you hear my tone, you're getting even more of my "real" message. So now we have a total of 45% communication. Through words, and tone.
I didn't FaceTime with this client, but she could at least hear my voice, right?
And my tone of voice drove home the point that "Oh hey, Dawn doesn't want somebody to get hurt."
And the reality in the end? This client was already in agreement.
She didn't want people to feel like they had to show up. But she also wanted to honor me and my time by asking if I was okay to drive up.
And I...I wanted to say yes to her.
But then I thought, "Wait a minute, are we even on the same page?" (Turns out we actually were, but we were both trying to please what we thought the other person wanted. Because all we had were words.)
So the rest? 55% of communication?
It's all about facial expression and body language.
So all of you out there who don't like watching videos...? (That's me, I don't like watching videos.)
...All of us out here that don't like watching videos, or hate Zooming and Google Meeting (or have PTSD from all those years we had to)...?
You are missing out on 55% of communication.
There are people who spend thousands of dollars just to go across the country, or even the world, to be in the same room as decision makers.
It's that important. They get it.
So I'm just curious... if you normally just read my newsletter and this week you watched the video, did it land differently being able to hear and see me?
I want you to think about this before you text or email a loved one, a client, a prospect, a business colleague/partner, or pretty much anyone.
Think "Do I really want to send them 7% communication about this?"
I hope that changes something for you. If you want more, consider joining me (no-cost) on 3/20!
Be blessed,
Whenever you're ready, here are some ways I can help:
Schedule a 45-min 'Pick My Brain' Session
Join an Event (Next Up: 3/20 Build a Moat Around Your Biz)
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