From feedback to Target tantrums: "Sticking it" to other people
I might look a little haggard in today's video. It was just before jammie time.
I'd had three of the longest (and most amazing) days in a row since launching my business.
As the week started, I had thought "Oh my gosh, there's so much happening."
But as I got through those three days, I realized I felt amazing.
Like, I was definitely tired. But also felt amazing.
Anyway, I'm coming to you to say thank you. You're such a huge source of encouragement to me.
As many of you know, I'm not a huge fan of doing video.
In fact, so much so that the person helping me get my content out will sometimes say, "Hey Dawn, I don't have any more videos."
Which really means, "Hey Dawn, you're not keeping up with your end of the bargain so I can keep up with mine." 😅 (Remember that perspective when it comes to you and your team—whether it's your work or home team.)
So anyway, I'm coming to you today with that confession, but mostly to say thank you.
Because here's the deal...
(⬇️ Btw, you can watch instead of reading, or read on below. ⬇️)
These videos aren't easy to do, because I don't love seeing myself on camera.
But what I do love is...
1) Encouraging and equipping people to do their best in their lives.
2) Getting responses from those of you reading, sharing, and doing life with me.
It builds huge energy. And it makes me think, "Okay, it's making a difference."
And I'll do anything to keep making a difference. (I mean, anything legal, or that isn't too wild, right? 😜)
So again, thank you.
Also—and this is important...
What you hoped for
If you're in a season right now where you're like:
"Oh my gosh, my calendar looks like it's gonna crush me" or
"This week is taking a lot out of me" or
"I'm not sure how I'm gonna get it all done."
Remember: This moment. That week. Those things. Those are likely the very things you've hoped or prayed for, for years.
So don't miss that.
"Sticking it" to people
One more thing. I have a client who sent me a Vox once.
(Btw if you don't know Voxer, you gotta know it. Ask me about it if you want!)
She said, "Dawn, the things you're doing, and the positivity you bring, it's like the mortar in the bricks of what we're building."
So you should know, when you take a minute to engage with me or give me feedback...
...You're the mortar for the bricks of what I'm building.
And that goes for everyone. So when you take the time to:
Say something nice to someone at the grocery store.
Or compliment or encourage a mom whose kid just had a temper tantrum at Target.
That's also you being the mortar for the bricks in other people's lives. For what they're building.
It's "sticking it" to people in the best way.
I hope we'll continue to encourage and equip each other. And jockey to that finish line together. 'Cause we're running a race, and it's exciting. turn.
I'd love to hear about some of the things you're working on.
Or even some of the moments wearing you out! (But also helping you realize, "This is where I wanted to be, and what I wanted to do.")
Maybe I can give you some mortar for what you're building.
Thanks for doing life with me! Have a great rest of your day.