This could change how you feel about being too busy
Last week I had a heavy-turned-amazing call with one of my clients. She said to me:
"I'm really struggling to figure out how to find time to work ON my business, and not just IN my business.
I'm not prioritizing the right things. I'm not getting the right things done.
And even when I'm resting because I'm so exhausted, I'm still so critical of myself."
First, thanks again to Eboni for her transparency in sharing where she was REALLY at. (Because tell the often do we fake it?)
With the truth out there, we got to work. What we quickly pinpointed was this nature of being critical with ourselves when "I can't get it all done. I can't make it all happen."
(I know you might feel like "Dawn, we've talked about this." But we keep talking about it because it keeps. coming. up.)
You don't just toss problems you "can't" solve aside. You look at them from different angles.
And hoo boy, did we hit some new angles.
(ā¬ļø Btw, you can watch instead of reading, or read on below. ā¬ļø)
Like Eboni, we all have this constant negative self-talk around making everything happen. (Or the flipside, negative self-talk about resting.)
A couple weeks ago I was in Scripture, which is a part of my normal morning routine.
I was directed to Exodus, and...
(This might not be your jam, but I don't want you to miss this. So if you don't consult Scripture or that kind of stuff, it's okay. You can take it or leave it but I think you'll still relate.)
...Exodus 34 says,
"No one is to appear before me empty-handed. Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest. Even during the plowing season and the harvest, you must rest."
So Scripture aside, think about a farmer, okay?
Do you think during plowing and harvest seasons, the most critical of critical times, that they want to rest?
But when you don't rest, you're prone to mistakes. You're prone to misjudgments. You're prone to compounding problems.
So if YOU feel like, "I don't have time for rest, I'm in the plowing / sowing / harvest season right now." I just want to encourage you...
You need it.
Even during those seasons. We HAVE to find rest.
(Sidenote: Rest isn't just sleep, okay? I know people who can sleep all day and still don't feel any better.)
Rest is resetting.
Rest is allowing ourselves time to come down, to calm down.
Rest is believing it's okay for things to not get done.
So this is something we explored, and then another thing came out. And I'm giving Eboni all credit here because it was incredible...
She said to me, "The foundation of something looks different than the framing of something."
Like, wow.
"The foundation of something looks different than the framing of something," she said. "Am I focused on the right part right now?"
So THAT is a BIG question to ask yourself.
Are you building a foundation?
Or are you busy getting some framing up and trying to keep it together?
Focusing on a frame when you don't have a solid foundation means we're focused on the wrong thing.
So when you're more focused IN your business or IN your family or IN your life, than you are ON your family or ON your business or ON your life...
...Maybe you're not doing the right stuff. Stuff like taking time to slow down, and really inspect and reflect on what's going on. To figure out why things are so shaky. So out of square.
Maybe it's time to get out of the framing and work on the foundation.
So my question to you today is, are you focused on the things that need your attention right now? The foundational stuff? The stuff that will help everything else work better? Help you work better?
AND! ...Is it okay if that's "just" rest?
I'm excited to hear some takeaways from this! Would love to hear from you. Thanks for doing life together with me.
Love doing life with you,