Thriving in every season of life
What's your favorite word? I'll tell you what (one of) mine is...
I talk a lot in "seasons."
- "I'm in this season."
- "I'm getting ready to go into that season.
- "In this season, this is going on."
- "This is a very busy season." (Or very "full" season, if you want it to sound better. š)
I don't know if you can relate, but in my life...there are a lot of seasons.
And just like real seasons, some last longer than others.
And just like real seasons, some cause us to complain more than others.
And just like real seasons, some are more trying than others.
Whether you realize it or not, your life is divided into seasons. Beyond the usual spring, summer, fall, winter.
Because seasons are also what happens to us. (And what we cause to happen to us!)
(ā¬ļø By the way, see the video if you wanna watch instead of reading. Feel free to skip ahead to 1:23 ā¬ļø)
What season are you in?
As I'm doing life with people in this season, some of the things I'm hearing over and over is:
- "Life is busy"
- "Kids are home from school"
- "Things are coming at us in different paces"
- "I'm having to modify what I've been doing all year long to adjust to what's happening now"
Or, for you, maybe this is a hard season.
Where the things happening around you aren't exciting, and new, and challenging. Instead they're difficult, troublesome, and upsetting.
Whatever your season's looking like right now, I just want to remind you that it's really important not to lose sight of the things that give you life.
So whether this is a full season of energy and excitement for you...
...or a busy season where you're doing things you've never dreamed of...
...or a hard season you're just trying to make it through to the other side...
No matter your season, it's so important that you:
ā”ļø Link arms with other people who can understand where you are.
ā”ļø Stay grounded & rooted in your faith, or other things that give you what you need to push through.
ā”ļø Find your "best yes", and say no when you need to. Not because that event or activity doesn't need you. Or that person is unimportant.
But because YOU are most important.
And without you, what are we here for?
See you next time!
PS - What season are you in right now? Drop me a line and maybe I can speak to it in a future post.